I have been mulling over how best to present my inquiry process during the analysis phase over the past few weeks. I spend a lot of my practice teaching young children Freestyle Dance and always find myself using imagery or stories to explain something to them. I'm not sure whether this comes from finding this useful myself as a child or that I find this method of teaching most appropriate and successful. I, therefore, decided I wanted to use imagery and verbal explanation to inform of the process I have been through.
I was unsure of what imagery would best portray this process still linking to my subject field. I started off thinking I wanted to use a large ball of yarn (this being the subject I started with ), vast and complex. It would then unravel, but many pieces would interlink or overlap. However, I couldn't think of how this could relate to my subject, and at the end, I didn't want there to be one piece of yarn coming to an end (that is not how the journey I have been on has ended); there are still many questions and knowledge to be sought. I have not found one definitive answer.
I wanted to use imagery of a broad starting point and once narrowed and researched there was more specific area uncovered. I wanted there to be an understanding that without one area, there wouldn't be another and that some areas are smaller and more concise than others. I have started a sculpture I am using within the imagery today and hope to post more about this and its progression soon! How is everyone else getting on with their artefact? Are they starting to take shape? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know! Sam x
Hi Sam, that sounds like a great idea and I am interested to see your future posts on your artefact. As for me I have been thinking about using choreography to present my inquiry, ill be using different locations to present certain points from my journey! From Millie x
ReplyDeleteHi Sam! That sounds really interesting, I'd love to see how your ideas on the artefact unveil. I'm still in the analysis process really (not focusing too much on the artefact just yet), but I'm thinking about something music related - song or a musical piece. Elzbieta x