What if you can't interview anyone? - The central place of analysis Skype call.

It was great to hear everyone’s inquiry ideas and what methodology they were thinking of using on the Skype call last Thursday. We first talked about what kind of data we wanted to gather and what the difference was between quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was described as giving you an idea of how many whereas qualitative data could provide you with thoughts and feelings. We established qualitative data is more useful to our Practice and is what is needed from my inquiry. 

I first thought about carrying out interviews with my participants. I am going to be looking at Safe Practice within Dance and what this approach means to different teachers. After exploring different methodology’s I’m not sure interviews are the best way to go about my research. 

I am now leaning more towards a questionnaire however within the questionnaire I will include questions that will encourage my participants to express their thoughts and feelings and use minimal closed ended questions. I also don’t want to create leading questions based more on my approach to safe practice and what I feel is correct therefore I think I will need to do more research on literature that has used questionnaires to gather their data and analyse their question types .

It would be great to hear others thoughts about the methodology you are thinking of using and whether the skype call influenced your decision at all too. 


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