
Skype Call - The Ways Ideas can be Communicated

The skype call on Monday the 2nd of December was called 'The Ways Ideas' can be Communicated', the discussion focused mainly around artefacts. We each discussed our artefact, how these related to our inquiry and the process we have been through. It was really interesting listening to other peoples ideas on how they were creating their artefact. A valuable point was raised by Dr Adesola Akinleye; things inform one another. She asked us to reflect upon this, had anyone's artefact influenced their essay and vice versa? My essay has certainly influenced my artefact but my artefact is yet to inspire a change in my essay. It is definitely something I will now be mindful of when completing my artefact. Another key point I took from the skype call was not to use a narrative as such but to let the artefact speak for itself. I have to make it clear enough so that my inquiry process can be seen when observing it and yet feel comfortable with what I have produced without over-e...


I have been reflecting on my inquiry process while making my artefact and thinking of the best way to present it. Has anyone else had any thoughts on their presentation and how they are going to fit 12 weeks of work into a concise explanation? I think because my line of inquiry has interested me so much I could talk about it for hours but that's no good! I do look forward to hearing about everyone else's inquiries though! Comment below if you have been thinking about your presentation too. Sam x


I have been mulling over how best to present my inquiry process during the analysis phase over the past few weeks. I spend a lot of my practice teaching young children Freestyle Dance and always find myself using imagery or stories to explain something to them. I'm not sure whether this comes from finding this useful myself as a child or that I find this method of teaching most appropriate and successful. I, therefore, decided I wanted to use imagery and verbal explanation to inform of the process I have been through. I was unsure of what imagery would best portray this process still linking to my subject field. I started off thinking I wanted to use a large ball of yarn (this being the subject I started with ), vast and complex. It would then unravel, but many pieces would interlink or overlap. However, I couldn't think of how this could relate to my subject, and at the end, I didn't want there to be one piece of yarn coming to an end (that is not how the journey I have...

Wednesday 16th Skype discussion

In the Skype session on the 16th of October, the topics of conversation that really resonated with me were ethics and artefacts. I had been struggling with ethical considerations within my inquiry but it wasn't until someone made an interesting point of using questions like who, what, where did it really click for me. People aren't identical they are individual. We aren't all from the same area, don't have the same background, haven't had the same upbringing etc so it is important to ask yourself these questions and not assume that everyone is similar to you. Another interesting point that was discussed was that of an artefact. I am quite a logical thinker and always want to explain my thoughts in a logical and matter of fact manner. This course, however, has changed my way of thinking and helped me see that there is not a straight forward answer to everything and there can be a 'grey area', it isn't all black and white! Now in Module 3, I am contempla...

Amalgamation of Data

I have started to amalgamate the data from my questionnaire's, literature review and journal ready for analysis and I am really pleased as I can already see themes emerging. Some aren't expected but this is really interesting and raises further questions! How is everyone else getting on in their inquiry? Comment below :)

Questionnaire now live

I have distributed my questionnaire and now feel slightly uneasy that the data collection is out of my hands for this method. I like the control of looking at existing literature and reflecting on my own experiences in a journal but I can't handle just letting that link to my questionnaire fly out there and just hope that someone responds! I have made considerations for this so I know I will get respondents having planned this into my inquiry in Module 2 but it's just the thought of no limited data that scares me! I guess I am also mindful of ethical considerations, of how people may react to the questionnaire, how they perceive the questions and how this may make them question themselves. This deeper questioning does sometimes lead to overthinking. I will just have to try and put my mind at ease and know it is okay to be uncertain!

Literature Review

I know we can add to our Module 2 literature review but after narrowing down on my subject field I feel like I am writing a totally new one? There are so many books that I want to reference and yet I am trying to find key sources to support my question.  I feel sorry for the postman because being a distance learner I am getting a new book sent to me in the post what feels like every couple of days from the Middlesex Library. They are going to be fun to return in bulk when I finish with them!!