Skype Call - The Ways Ideas can be Communicated
The skype call on Monday the 2nd of December was called 'The Ways Ideas' can be Communicated', the discussion focused mainly around artefacts. We each discussed our artefact, how these related to our inquiry and the process we have been through. It was really interesting listening to other peoples ideas on how they were creating their artefact. A valuable point was raised by Dr Adesola Akinleye; things inform one another. She asked us to reflect upon this, had anyone's artefact influenced their essay and vice versa? My essay has certainly influenced my artefact but my artefact is yet to inspire a change in my essay. It is definitely something I will now be mindful of when completing my artefact. Another key point I took from the skype call was not to use a narrative as such but to let the artefact speak for itself. I have to make it clear enough so that my inquiry process can be seen when observing it and yet feel comfortable with what I have produced without over-e...