
Showing posts from October, 2018

Areas of Learning

Slowing mapping out my diagram and planning my essay alongside each other seemed the best idea until I came across my Areas of Learning. I struggled recalling on knowledge I had learnt and how this manifests in my field of practise now. After my tutorial with Maria it became clearer to think back on an experience and not just recall that experience but focus more on the knowledge learnt from it and how it transfers to my Professional Practise now. As a self employed performer who also teaches my approach to knowledge is transdisciplinary. As more than one discipline is being used to contextualise my knowledge. Therefore when thinking of Areas of Learning I was relating to life auditioning as a professional dancer and life teaching. I came up with a few different ideas some are more vague then others.. Throughout private dance classes growing up I always danced in front of a mirror so learnt how to self correct. This was then carried through to today when I attend auditions to watc...
Having never looked into the blogging community I was somewhat naïve as to how much help and communication you can actually gage from it. Being a Module one starter I was floating around through Tutors and other Module one’s blogs, trying to find answers and common ground however during the discussion group with all Modules I was reminded how much knowledge people that have walked in our shoes can provide us with. Networks and communities was a topic up for discussion and how many people can be reached within one. This then clicked in with me that the BAPP is a community or network within itself and through blogging you can not only look through blogs of those in the same position as you but ones that were once in your position seeing their outlook too. I then found myself looking through blogs of different Modules and even past Graduates. I am slowly but surely finding my way through the blogging community!