Looking at my Practice- What do I want to know more about?
Looking back at my diagram from Module One today and reading through the literature ' What Moves You, Shaping Your Dissertation in Dance' by Charlotte Nichol and Lise Utyyerhoeven sent over by Maria has got me thinking about the topic of my inquiry. I have been looking at the literature on a few different topics that I felt were gaps in my diagram from Module One, and therefore lacking in my Professional Practice that I would like to know more about. Reading through existing areas of dance scholarship within the book have cemented the areas I am currently looking into however now I need to choose an area to focus on. I am interested in Dance in Education as I am currently teaching dance within the recreation sector however I wish to gain a PGCE in the future to move more into dance within education. Therefore I feel looking at the principles and practice of teaching in schools compared to recreational dance would be a good topic. I am also interested in Dance Science and...