
Showing posts from February, 2019

Looking at my Practice- What do I want to know more about?

Looking back at my diagram from Module One today and reading through the literature ' What Moves You, Shaping Your Dissertation in Dance' by Charlotte Nichol and Lise Utyyerhoeven sent over by Maria has got me thinking about the topic of my inquiry. I have been looking at the literature on a few different topics that I felt were gaps in my diagram from Module One, and therefore lacking in my Professional Practice that I would like to know more about. Reading through existing areas of dance scholarship within the book have cemented the areas I am currently looking into however now I need to choose an area to focus on. I am interested in Dance in Education as I am currently teaching dance within the recreation sector however I wish to gain a PGCE in the future to move more into dance within education. Therefore I feel looking at the principles and practice of teaching in schools compared to recreational dance would be a good topic. I am also interested in Dance Science and...

Thursdays Skype- Mapping to Build Understanding

I really enjoyed speaking to Adesola and others from Module 2 on Thursday. I liked the analogy Adesola used about planning the journey when mapping. If you plan to specifically go to straight to a specific address in Paris by boat you will not notice anything else however if you look at the different ways you can go and stop at places on the way you will discover much more. I also found it interesting discussing research designs and what you would call your participants. Giving them gender specific or cultural specific names can cause whoever is reading your research to make an assumption before they even finish reading. On the other hand, giving the participants numbers is dehumanizing. It is definitely something I will be aware of when planning my research and now reading other research. I am looking forward to going through the cycle of mapping a few times to build a better understanding and plan my journey!